Friday 9 September 2011

what to say?

I could talk about the lovely afternoon LB and I spent wandering around the Museum of Childhood, or the gorgeous 'brunch' ( how swanky are we?!?!) we treated ourselves to in Bistrotheque...or the trip to the Future Cinema to see the Lost Boys...yeah!  Let's go with the Lost Boys!

For the last few weeks, Emilie and I have been chatting about updating our eighties film knowledge - it's practically non-existent.  (I am excluding Dirty Dancing, which I would wager I watched close to a hundred times  between the ages of 18 and 20 - what a staple!).

So imagine our delight at winning two tickets to the Future Cinema to see the Lost Boys.  Getting to dress up?  Checking a film off our list?  For FREE??  Tick Tick Tick!

And what fun it was.  (I will ignore the hour long wait in the queue for the loo's.  I can't even bear to think about it).  A little island in Canary Wharf transformed into Santa Clara, complete with vampires and frog brothers.

As it turns out, its amazing fun to watch a cult film with 4000 other people who know it word for word.  The crowd were amazing, able to recite dialogue word for word, cheering/booing at all the right moments!  Turns out, no one likes vampires, and EVERYONE loves Corey Feldman.  EVERYONE.

So, Corey, the verdict is overwhelming, you're amazing!

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